
Horizon CDT Industry Day held

The EPSRC Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training in My Life in Data held an Industry Day on Friday 30 September for it’s collaborating partner organisations at the Jubilee Conference Centre […]

Digital Health workshop success at Medicine X

On 18 September, Horizon CDT students Lorena Macnaughtan and Pepita Barnard Stringer collaborated to lead a digital health workshop at Medicine X 2016, an annual international flagship conference that catalyses new ideas […]

Horizon CDT hosts autumn Industry Day

The Horizon CDT will host an Industry Day on Friday 30 September in Nottingham, in order to share news on the continuing success of the multidisciplinary Centre, and provide an […]

CDT students lead workshops at Summer School

The annual Digital Economy Summer School, supported by the RCUK-funded Digital Economy Network took place on 17-20 July 2016 at The Core in Newcastle. 75 CDT students from various Digital […]

George strikes gold in expert forum

Congratulations to George Filip of the Horizon CDT 2013 cohort, who was announced as a winning ‘gold level’ expert contributor for the Transport Systems Catapult Intelligent Mobility Exchange Forum on 31 […]