Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training

The UKRI Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)  is based at the University of Nottingham and is supported by a multi million pound investment from UK Research and Innovation, the University of Nottingham and over 40 industry partners. The CDT focuses on digital identity, personal data and data creativity within the global digital economy, and is affiliated with the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute. Find out more about the CDT by reading our latest brochure Creating Our Lives in Data or by watching our short Horizon CDT video.


Horizon CDT News

Michael Harmson-Silvestri passes Viva

A big congratulations to Michael Harmson-Silvestri from Horizon CDT’s eleventh cohort who passed their viva […]

Favour Borokini speaks at Navigating Gender Rights in African Legal Landscape

Webinar – Breaking Barriers: Navigating Gender Rights in African Legal Landscape – 23 May 204 […]

Alumni Spotlight: Dr Will Darler (2013 cohort) on the Importance of Enterprise and Knowledge Exchange

We are delighted to share an insightful interview from the University of Leicester with our […]

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Horizon CDT Blog Posts

My Placement at the Virtual and Immersive Production Studio

post by Callum Berger (2021 cohort) 1. Placement at the Virtual and Immersive Production Studio […]

From Academia to Policy: My Experience with the UKRI Internship Scheme at the Welsh Parliament

post by Charlotte Lenton (2019 cohort) UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) offer a competitive policy […]

Milestones And Memories: Reflecting on my First International Conference

Ellie Colegate from the 2021 Cohort reflects on her recent attendance at the British and […]

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