Horizon CDT Blog Posts

My Placement at the Virtual and Immersive Production Studio

post by Callum Berger (2021 cohort) 1. Placement at the Virtual and Immersive Production Studio I started my placement back in July 2023, working with my industry partner AlbinoMosquito Productions […]

From Academia to Policy: My Experience with the UKRI Internship Scheme at the Welsh Parliament

post by Charlotte Lenton (2019 cohort) UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) offer a competitive policy internship scheme for doctoral students to embed themselves in real-world policy organisations for three months. […]

Milestones And Memories: Reflecting on my First International Conference

Ellie Colegate from the 2021 Cohort reflects on her recent attendance at the British and Irish Law Education and Technology (BILETA) 39th Annual Conference held between the 17th and 19th […]

Gaining Insights into Staff Well-being: My Placement Experience at MVCFS

post by Emma Gentry (2021 cohort) From July 2023 to February 2024, I undertook my placement with Mountain Valley Child and Family Services (MVCFS), a non-profit US mental health service […]

Call for Participants – Everyday Online Harms Research Study

Are you worried about what your child sees online? Third-year CDT student Ellie Colegate is looking for participants aged 12 to 20 for her study on the online harms bill […]