
TechUP — Opportunity for women to retrain in tech

TechUP, a new online programme, will give one hundred women the chance to retrain in technology.  TechUp is led by Durham and partnered with Edge Hill, Nottingham and York universities. […]

Developing Your Creative Practice Award

Roma Patel (cohort 2013) is a successful applicant in the highly competitive final round of the Developing Your Creative Practice Award launched by the Arts Council England. The ACE is […]

First Submission for 2019!

Congratulations to Roma Patel (cohort 2013) for submitting her thesis in January! Roma is the first HorizonCDT to submit in 2019!! Title of Thesis: The Makers of Imaginary Worlds – Interactive […]

PhD Opportunites

EPSRC Horizon Centre of Doctoral Training (CDT) Creating Our Lives in Data is now recruiting! We welcome applicants from a wide range of backgrounds including computer science, engineering, mathematics, human […]

£45m to train the next generation of global problem solvers

The University of Nottingham has won new funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for five centres that will train the brightest postgraduate researchers to tackle pressing global challenges, and keep […]