
From Real-life Retreat to Virtual Event

In April 2020 the Horizon CDT had the challenge of converting our annual real-life retreat into a virtual event. During the virtual retreat, year 1 students presented their PhD research […]

Many congratulations Dr Chris Ellis!!

Many congratulations to Christopher Ellis (2013 cohort) who has successfully been awarded the degree of PhD for his thesis entitled: An Exploration into the Application of Human in the Loop […]

Congratulations Dr Gregor Engelmann!

The Horizon CDT is delighted to announce that Gregor Engelmann (2014 cohort) passed his viva on Monday, 6th July subject to minor corrections. Supervised by James Goulding, David Golightly and […]

Well done Roza Vasileva!

Congratulations to Roza Vasileva (2016 cohort) who came in 4th place in the 3MT® People’s Choice Award 2020  with 343 votes! Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication […]

Do you have experience using social media platforms?

Ioanna Ntinou (2018 cohort) is running a study that focuses on the sharing of information through photographs on social media platforms. To this end, Ioanna is conducting a survey that […]