post by Nasser Alkhulaifi (2021 cohort) As an AI researcher deep into my PhD journey, I recently had the opportunity to attend the Forum for AI Research Students (FAIRS) at […]
post by Giovanni Shiazza (2020 cohort) Meta-Meme, a responsible researcher’s tool for analysing internet memes, is a short position paper and poster my supervisors and I published at the second […]
post by Nimisha Parashar (2023 cohort) Reflecting on my placement at environmental charity Earthwatch Europe. My three-month placement with Earthwatch started in June 2024. My role particularly involved working with […]
post by Ramneek (Athawal) Rai (2023 cohort) I am currently working on a corpus linguistics project as part of my PhD research on the intersection of gender with entrepreneurship. This […]
post by Iris Jestin (2023 cohort) Over the summer of 2024, I had the opportunity to attend the HUMANIST Summer School which researches human factors challenges in transport, held at […]