Natalie Leesakul is part of the tenth cohort of the Horizon CDT and is writing up her PhD thesis which explores the legal, ethical, and organisational challenges and implications of […]
Congratulations to 2020 cohort student Dan Heaton on their first journal article ‘Critical reflections on three popular computational linguistic approaches to examine Twitter discourses’, being published in PeerJ Computer Science. […]
Recent CDT graduate Stanislaw Piasecki has secured a Postdoctoral Researcher position at the Institute for Information Law (University of Amsterdam). His research focuses on the use of AI in media […]
‘Before we Disappear’ is an interactive film that analyses the audience’s mood using face recognition technology and modifies the story to reflect what they respond to. The film premiered at […]
Congratulations to fourth-year PhD candidate Mike Harmson-Silvestri. After presenting his research findings at a conference at the Alan Turing Institute at The British Library London last week, Mike has been invited […]