
CDT student publishes chapter

Natalie Leesakul is part of the tenth cohort of the Horizon CDT and is writing up her PhD thesis which explores the legal, ethical, and organisational challenges and implications of […]

CDT Student has first journal article published

Congratulations to 2020 cohort student Dan Heaton on their first journal article ‘Critical reflections on three popular computational linguistic approaches to examine Twitter discourses’, being published in PeerJ Computer Science. […]

CDT graduate secures new role

Recent CDT graduate Stanislaw Piasecki has secured a Postdoctoral Researcher position at the Institute for Information Law (University of Amsterdam). His research focuses on the use of AI in media […]

Before We Disappear – an interactive film that changes the plot depending on the viewer

‘Before we Disappear’ is an interactive film that analyses the audience’s mood using face recognition technology and modifies the story to reflect what they respond to. The film premiered at […]

CDT student presents at the Alan Turing Instititute

Congratulations to fourth-year PhD candidate Mike Harmson-Silvestri. After presenting his research findings at a conference at the Alan Turing Institute at The British Library London last week, Mike has been invited […]