
Student paper accepted to TAS’23

Congratulations to Victor Ngo on getting his paper accepted to TAS ’23 – the first International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems being held on 11th and 12th July 2023. TAS […]

Student presents at BILETA – Cyberlaw: Finally getting its Act(s) together?

Horizon CDT student Ellie Colegate presented their paper at the British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association (BILETA) Annual Conference. The 38th annual BILETA CONFERENCE Cyberlaw: Finally getting its […]

The Conversation – How uploading our minds to a computer might become possible

Recent advances in science and technology bring us closer to a day when mind uploading might become a reality. Don’t miss an article by Horizon CDT 4th year student Angela […]

CDT student interviewed on Notts TV

Horizon CDT 4th year PhD student Angela Thornton was invited to be a guest on Notts TV yesterday. Angela spoke about being one of only 7 academics in the UK […]

CDT student selected to present at British Science Festival

Horizon CDT student Angela Thornton has been awarded a lecture at the internationally renowned British Science Festival. Angela is a fourth-year PhD candidate at the Horizon CDT and member of […]