Paper accepted to ICIDS 2022 Doctoral Consortium

Paper accepted to ICIDS 2022 Doctoral Consortium

The Horizon CDT is proud to announce that Luke Skarth-Hayley‘s (2018 cohort) Doctoral Consortium paper has been accepted at #ICIDS2022

Accepted paper: Reactive Mise-en-scène: Tailoring Virtual Narrative Environments via User Attention

Conference: ICIDS 2022 Doctoral Consortium, University of California Santa Cruz, December 2022

The International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) brings together academics and industry professionals interested in exploring interactive, digital narratives from a range of theoretical, technological, and applied design viewpoints. Luke’s paper has been accepted to the ICIDS 2022 Doctorial Consortium and showcases his research work, findings and next stages of his design concepts

From Luke’s abstract:
Most game engine-driven narrative-focused experiences rely on branching or linear narratives and questions of meaningful agency arise. Database narratives and storylets suggest alternate modes of narrative structure, and implicit interactions offer alternative means of engagement. Reactive Mise-en-scène is a contribution to the exploration of alternate modes of storytelling, allowing attention-driven real-time adaptation of the mise-en-scène of virtual environments to tailor environmental storytelling-focused experiences and enable fragmentary and multi-perspective narratives.

Well done Luke!