Adaptive Interactive Movies (AIM) project launches today

Adaptive Interactive Movies (AIM) project launches today

Congratulations to the Horizon Co-production team on receiving funding for the Adaptive Interactive Movies project.

The AIM project focuses on the cultural opportunities and ethical challenges presented by personalised Computer Vision and Machine Learning algorithms which analyse audience responses and adjust media to meet narrative goals. The aim is to uncover underlying privacy and trust concerns of media that respond to viewers’ physical reactions.

The project will be led by CDT alumnus Richard Ramchurn (2015 cohort) and brings together researchers from disciplines of Psychology, Media Studies, Computer Vision, and Privacy, to guide an evaluative prototype of an adaptive media experience.

Amongst the team researchers are Neelima Sailaja (2015 cohort) and current CDT students Joanne Parkes and Giovanni Sciazza (both 2020 cohort) who will work together with production companies AlbinoMosquito and Kino Industries.


Project Team: Richard Ramchurn, Sarah Martindale, Mani Kumar Tellamekala, Sameh Zakhary, Neelima Sailaja, Jo Parkes, Max Wilson, Aleksandra Landowska

Start date: June 2021(18 months)