Congratulations to Liz Dowthwaite

Congratulations to Liz Dowthwaite

Congratulations to Liz Dowthwaite

Many congratulations to Liz, who passed her Viva on the 20th of January!

Liz’s Phd ‘Crowdfunding Webcomics: The Role of Incentives and Reciprocity in Monetising Free Content’ focuses on how artists use their online communities to generate income through selling books and merchandise, advertising, and ‘patronage’ through crowdfunding. Using a grounded, mixed methods approach, it is hoped that the results can be applied to other creative groups and individuals trying to make their living in similar ways.

“I feel very lucky to have had the experience of doing a PhD at the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training; the PhD process was exactly right for me as a multidisciplinary research, and as a mature student getting back into education”

Liz now works as a Research Assistant at Horizon Digital Economy Research on the UnBias project.