Bringing game miniatures to life at The National Videogame Arcade

Bringing game miniatures to life at The National Videogame Arcade

During February half-term, Horizon CDT student Dimitri Darzentas will be engaging the public with his Horizon and Mixed Reality Lab research at the National Videogame Arcade (NVA).

Dimitri will be running an activity in a 3D scanning photobooth, where visitors can bring their miniature figures and have them brought to life via Virtual Reality.  The VR 3D models will then feature, along with the personal stories behind them, in a special VR exhibition to be staged at the NVA, where little friends will become life-sized friends!

Further details can be found on the NVA website.

This activity is running for all of half-term at the NVA, from Friday 10 – Sunday 19 February, during the NVA’s opening hours of 10am-6pm.

You can also watch Dimitri’s Computerphile video on the science of how the figures will be brought to life in the short film below:


Felicia Black

Horizon CDT Impact Manager