
CDT student paper accepted at ICRA2022 Conference

The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) is the largest and most important event on the Robotics and Automation calendar bringing together the world’s leading academics, researchers, […]

CDT supervisor Jocelyn Spence highly commended for Outstanding Research Supervisor

A huge congratulations to Horizon CDT supervisor Jocelyn Spence who received a ‘highly commended’ award for Outstanding Research Supervisor at the Tri-Campus Awards. Our CDT PhD programme and research projects […]

Horizon CDT students present at Pint of Science 2023

Global science festival Pint of Science brings scientists to your local pub to share their research. The event takes place every year in pubs and cafes in over 35 cities […]

Alan Turing Institute – PhD Student Presentations and Networking Day

The Alan Turing Institute is hosting a PhD Student Presentations and Networking Day in London today, 19th May 2023. Via the ‘Turing Connections’ initiative, the event goals include: Develop a […]

1st Digital Footprints Conference – a huge success!

The first Digital Footprints Conference took place on the 11th of May 2023 at the University of Bristol and highlighted multidisciplinary research on digital footprints. The event brought together academics, […]