Horizon CDT Blog Posts

Highlighting our Research

The more time I spend in academia, the more I realise that we, as a community, are really bad at explaining our research to those outside of the community. We’re […]

Comment on Evaluation workshop – two performers by Fascinate, Evaluate and Praxis | KINECTIC

[…] My last post was over two months ago in early August, this post, at the end of October is a brief status update. […] Originally posted at http://kinectic.net/evaluation-workshop-two-performers/#comment-115 http://kinectic.net/evaluation-workshop-two-performers/#comment-115

Comment on Workshop by “User Testing” | KINECTIC

[…] Workshop […] Originally posted at http://kinectic.net/workshop/#comment-114 http://kinectic.net/workshop/#comment-114