Horizon CDT Blog Posts

Challenge accepted: two students take part in coding challenge.

via GIPHY Velvet Spors (2017 Cohort) and Ahmed Al-Talabany (2016 Cohort) have accepted the challenge set by the Digital Economy Network (DEN) to code for one hour a day for […]

Briefing to RCEP eCommerce trade negotiators

In response to the growing importance of algorithmic products in international trade, regional and international trade negotiations at the WTO and elsewhere are currently seeking to set down new rules […]

Briefing to RCEP eCommerce trade negotiators

In response to the growing importance of algorithmic products in international trade, regional and international trade negotiations at the WTO and elsewhere are currently seeking to set down new rules […]

Call for Participants: Interviews on business-orientated rail travel experiences in the digital age

PhD researcher Christian Tamakloe (2016 Cohort) is currently recruiting participants to take part in an interview-based study. What is it for? The study forms part of a PhD project to […]

UnBias Algorithmic Preference Survey

We are conducting a survey on algorithm preferences for solving resource-allocation problems. The survey consists of two case studies with 5 options to determine the allocation algorithm. Completing this task […]