DE 2014 The Application of Digital Innovation

DE 2014 The Application of Digital Innovation

The Fifth Annual Digital Economy All Hands Meeting will be held this year in London. 

3 – 5th December 2014.

The RCUK Digital Economy Theme seeks to transform the lives of people, communities and businesses through the design and deployment of innovative information and communication technologies. The Digital Economy All Hands conference is a multidisciplinary environment in which innovative thinkers, researchers, and entrepreneurs are able to share ideas about how to make an impact on society across a range of sectors.

Delegates will hear from expert speakers and leading researchers, take part in exploratory workshops,
and witness the latest innovations and prototypes through technology demonstrators.

This year’s focus

This year the conference focus is on “The application of digital innovation;” exploring the concept of how the digital economy is opening up new opportunities for business, governments, and communities and how this will address the issues of the 21 Century.

This two and a half day event will include keynote speakers, paper presentations, integrated workshops, demonstrations and posters.

We now seek submissions focusing on any aspect of the Digital Economy:

  • Innovation for the individual
  • Innovation for the society
  • Innovation for industry
  • Cross-cutting innovations


Deadline Monday 8th September 2014 – Midnight

This year the conference has a particular focus on “The application of digital innovation” exploring the concept of how the digital economy is opening up new opportunities for businesses, governments, and communities and how this will address the issues of the 21 Century. This two and half day event will include keynote speakers, paper presentations, integrated workshops, demonstrations and posters.

We now seek submissions focusing on any aspect of the Digital Economy; topics may include, but are not limited to:

Innovation for the individual

  • Democratisation of IT
  • Anywhere Working
  • Personal Cloud

Innovation for society

  • Healthcare
  • Connected Home & Community
  • Digital Inclusion
  • IT as a Utility
  • Sustainable Society
  • Communities & Culture
  • Smart Cities

Submissions are welcome from anyone in the research or industrial community whether funded by the RCUK Digital Economy Theme or not. We also welcome submissions from others active in or impacted by the Digital Economy.

Submissions from doctoral students are particularly welcome, whether associated with one of the Digital Economy Centers for Doctoral Training or indeed other Digital Economy activity, and such papers will be reviewed separately to ensure representation of this body of work at the event.

For further information and to see the full programme or register to attend or submit a paper, poster, video or workshop visit: