Dr Chris Carter (2010 cohort)

Educating and informing on managing a successful professional reputation online using Social Media

Research area

Chris was part of the 2010 CDT cohort and prior to joining, his background was in organisational psychology. His doctoral research interests were in digital reputation management within social media and how understanding of this process can be translated into educational guidelines and HCI design to assist users with promoting and protecting their digital personhood.

As part of his PhD, Chris conducted research with young adult users of social media to explore the various psychological and social factors that influence how they perceive and manage their professional reputation.

Potential research impact

It was the aim of Chris’ research to educate and inform system design that will assist users in developing successful professional reputation management online.

Next steps

After completing his PhD in the Horizon CDT Chris went on to be Research Associate for Horizon Digital Economy Research for the CaSMa Project at the University of Nottingham.   In early 2016, he joined the Royal Holloway University of London as a Teaching Fellow in Digital Marketing, was also Social Media Advocate for the RCUK-funded Digital Economy Network until July 2017.

In July 2016, Chris commenced employment as Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation the Nottingham University Business School. In 2017, Chris became academic supervisor for a Horizon CDT 2016 cohort student, Christian Tamakloe, who is researching the role of personal data in augmenting passenger travel time with industry partner Thales UK.